
Institute of Physical Biology
Bldg. 26.12.U1
40225 Duesseldorf
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News & Archive

March 2024:
Congratulations to Dr. Ci Chu for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

September 2023:
Jessica, Chris and Justin "living the life" at the DNG meeting in Wuerzburg!

July 2023:
Manuel presents latest research of the group at EUROMAR in Glasgow.

April 2023:
Congratulations to Dr. Fatima Escobedo for successfully defending her PhD thesis!

March 2023:
It was great fun hosting the 5th G-NMR Workshop in Düsseldorf - Big thanks to all who helped and contributed all the wonderful lectures!

February 2023:
Super excited to become part of the SPRIND family!

Nov 2022:
Kicking off our collaborative reasearch network with the Kath-Schorr, Lang, and Gohlke groups!


Thanks to the Volkswagen Foundation for generous support!

January 2022:
A nice way to start the new year! Our paper reporting on time-resolved insights into structure and function of the 10-23 DNAzyme is published in the first issue of Nature 2022. Thanks to the Span, Gohlke, and Schiemann labs as well as to Bruker for the great collaborations! See publications for more infos and links to the paper.

November 2021:
The group now officially transitioned from the Emmy Noether to the Heisenberg Program of the DFG!

May 2021:
Two more publications: Rosenbach et al. characterizes metal-ion interactions of the 10-23 DNAzyme and Dubey et al. reports a new strategy that finally enables methyl labeling in eucaryotic and cell-free expression systems. Thanks to the Span, Gelev and Arthanari groups for the nice collaborations! See publications for more infos and links to the papers.

May 2021:
...and this completes the cover picture hattrick! Very glad and proud to contribute the third Angewandte cover article!

March 2021:
Congratulations to Dr. Jan Borggräfe for successfully defending his PhD thesis and beeing awarded summa cum laude!

October 2020:
Congratulations to Dr. Shantha Elter for successfully defending her PhD thesis!

July 2020:
Double feature: Roesner et al. characterizes the clustering of alpha synuclein with prion proteins and Rosenbach et al. summmerizes the features of the 10-23 DNAzyme. Thanks to the Hoyer and Span group for having us on board! See publications for more infos and links to the papers.

July 2020:
Congratulations to Dr. Marcel Falke for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

Feb 2020:
Another double feature: Viegas et al. characterizes the features of a key domain in chaperone function and Rosenbach et al. expands the strucutral biology toolbox. Thanks to the Jaeger, Gohlke, Seidel as well as the Span groups, respectively, for these nice collaborations. See publications for more infos and links to the papers.

Dec 2019 /Jan 2020:
2x Paper alert: Porta et al. investigates a strategy to overcome lantibiotic resistance and Viegas et al. characterizes a new network of intracellular EGFR interactions and is featured on the cover of Structure! Thanks to the Gohlke and Famulok group, respectively, for these nice collaborations. See publications for more infos and links to the papers.

Dec 2019:
Manuel presents our research at the 5th Workshop of Structural Biology in the Helmholtz Association in Heidelberg.

Aug 2019:
Jan and Manuel present our research at the EUROISMAR in Berlin.

March 2019:
Welcome to Ci Chu, starting his PhD thesis to obtain insights into molecular designs in neuronal communication.

March 2019:
2x Paper alert: Falke et al. introduces aS-LiPs as tool in Parkinson's disease-related aggregation assays and Viennet et al. shows first in vitro results on an ion channel co-regulator. See publications for more infos and links to the papers.

March 2019:
It was fun hosting a research topic about membrane systems at Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences and Frontiers in Plant Science! Thanks for all the nice contributions!
--To Research Topic--

Nov 2018:
Welcome to Fatima Escobedo, starting her PhD thesis on membrane systems in neuronal communication.

Oct. 2018:
Manuel Etzkorn presents latest research at Biomembranes meeting in Moscow.

Sept 2018:
First Bloch Lecture in great location in Leipzig.

Sept 2018:
Manuel Etzkorn is awarded the Felix Bloch Award/Lecture of the GDCh.

Sept 2018:
Welcome to Claire Ortman, visiting student from Freiburg University.

July 2018:
Jan Borrgrräfe and Julian Victor present thier work on catylitc DNA on the EMBO workshop in Berlin.

May 2018:
Welcome to Dr. Mohanraj Gopalswamy, visiting researcher from the Gohlke lab, working on Leukemia drugs.

April 2018:
The DFG will fund our research on catalytic DNA - We think it's DNAwesome and DNAmazing!

April 2018:
Welcome to Rebecca Schlößer working on her Bachelor Thesis to understand protein-receptor interactions.

March 2018:
Welcome to Dr. Julian Victor working on catalytic DNA.

November 2017:
It was fun (co)hosting the 4th Workshop of the Helmholtz Association “Cross Programme Activity Structural Biology” in Düsseldorf!

October 2017:
Welcome to Sursh Tungala doing an research internship from Bonn University.

September 2017:
Jan Borggräfe and Thibault Viennet present their research at the GDCh-NMR meeting in Bayreuth.

September 2017:
Manuel Etzkorn is awarded the Ulrich-Hadding Research Prize 2017.

August 2017:
The first preprint of the interaction of aSyn with NDs is now online at bioRXiv (see publications for link).

July 2017:
Manuel Etzkorn presents the latest research of the group at the EUROMAR in Warsaw.

April 2017:
Congratulations to Dr. Thibault Viennet for successfully defending his PhD thesis and beeing awarded with summa cum laude!

March 2017:
Thibault Viennet is presenting our research on targeted-DNP at the 58th ENC in Asilomar.

February 2017:
Congratulations to Dr. Sabine Schriek for successfully defending her PhD thesis!

February 2017:
Manuel Etzkorn presents the latest research of the group at the 'Modern Analytical Methods in Structure Biology and Infection Research' symposium in Hamburg.
January 2017:
Thibault Viennet is presenting our research on targeted-DNP at the 10th 'NMR: a tool for biology' conference in Paris.

December 2016:
Manuel Etzkorn presents the latest research of the group at the 'Connecting EPR, ssNMR and DNP for the study of complex biomolecules' symposium at Schloss Ringberg.
October 2016:
Welcome to Maria Dahlhaus, new Master student in the lab, working on understanding a multitasker of HIV.

September 2016:
It was fun (co)hosting the FGMR discussion meeting in Duesseldorf and congratulations to Thibault Viennet for recieving a posterprize (awarded from a jury of all speakers of the conference)!

August 2016:
We put quite some effort to review the state-of-the-art of NMR and the nanodisc system. The result can be found on the de Gruyter's Biological Chemistry homepage (see publications for link).

August 2016:
Welcome to Kubra Bilici, visiting researcher from Turkey!

July 2016:
Thibault Viennet is presenting our research on targeted DNP at the EUROMAR in Aarhus.
July 2016:
Welcome to the world: Targeted DNP! Our new approach to selectively hyperpolarize a target protein in a massive background has been published in Angewandte Chemie and is featured on the inside cover.
May 2016:
Welcome to Laetita Heid, new Master student in the lab working on the nanodisc system.
January 2016:
Welcome to the world: UTOPIA NMR! Our new approach to make better use of the available magnetization has been published in the Journal of Biomolecular NMR.
October 2015:
Welcome to Jan Borggraefe, new PhD student in the lab working on inverse agonist signalling.
August 2015:
Manuel Etzkorn presents the latest research of the group at the ISMAR meeting in Shanghai.
July 2015:
Aldino Viegas and Thibault Viennet are presenting their research on UTOPIA-NMR (talk) as well as targeted DNP (travel-stipend-poster) at the EUROMAR in Prague.
June 2015:
Welcome to Mojtaba Oraki, visiting researcher from Iran!

February 2015:
Congratulations again to Aldino Viegas for beeing awarded a research fellowship of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Program of the EU!
January 2015:
Congratulations to Aldino Viegas for beeing awarded a research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation!
January 2015:
First spectra were obtained on the new Bruker 700 MHz magnet - looks good!

October 2014:
Let's celebrate 20 years of amphipols with Jean-Luc Popot and the Journal of Membrane Biology! We are glad to contribute with the following two papers:
  • Elter et al. "The use of amphipols for NMR structural characterization of 7-TM proteins"
  • Etzkorn et al. "How Amphipols Embed Membrane Proteins: Global Solvent Accessibility and Interaction with a Flexible Protein Terminus"
  • ismar
    Sep. 30th 2014:
    Manuel Etzkorn presents latest results at the GDCh-NMR meeting in Berlin. Manuel Etzkorn presents latest results at the GDCh-NMR meeting in Berlin.
    Sep. 23th 2014:
    Aldino Viegas presents our UTOPIA-NMR aproach at the GERMN meeting in Madrid.
    March 2014:
    Manuel Etzkorn presents our UTOPIA-NMR aproach at the ENC in Boston.